José González D'Amico Apps

MCW Lockscreen Extension 1.0.1
Get Month Calendar Widget in your Android lockscreen! If you lovehaving this nice calendar on your home screen, you will certainlylove having it more at hand in your Android 4.2+ lockscreen.This app is an extension to Month Calendar Widget, a popularcalendar widget in Play Store, downloaded by more than 3 millionusers. It has no use if you don't install MCW first.If you haven't done it yet, download it for free from you are already a MCW user please make sure you have updatedit to the latest version - an issue regarding with thisextension was solved in version 1.7.1.IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THE FUTURE OF THIS APP:Android 5.0 (Lollipop) introduced a notifications centeredlockscreen with no support for widgets.I'm looking for ways to bring some of the functionality of MonthCalendar Widget to the new lockscreen. For now, provided yourdevice has Android 4.2 to 4.4 you will be able to use MCW in thelockscreen as always.**** IMPORTANT NOTE TO SAMSUNG GALAXY USERS WITH TOUCHWIZINTERFACE ****(Includes SIII, S4, S5 and Note models)Unfortunately the Touchwiz software requires security to bedisabled in order to select a 3rd party lockscreen widget likethis. If you consider absolutely necessary a security scheme likepatterns, PINs, etc, in your lockscreen, with Touchwiz you won't beable to put this widget there (and by the way, no other widgetother than the clock provided by Samsung)UPDATE: The Galaxy S5 does not provide any support forwidgets in the lockscreen**** IMPORTANT NOTE TO HTC ONE USERS ****Currently this app installs correctly in HTC One devices, but itmay not show up in the list of available lockscreen widgets. I'mresearching this problem. Sorry for the hassleHOW TO PUT THE WIDGET IN THE LOCKSCREEN1. Access your device's lockscreen pressing the Power button2. Swipe to the left-most page and touch the "+" icon3. Select "Month Calendar Widget" from the list of availablewidgets to add it4. (Optional) You can rearrange the placement of the calendar byfirst touching-and-holding it and then dragging it horizontally tothe right.Android 4.4 users: make sure that "Enable widgets" is turned onin your Security settings.FEEDBACKIf you have problems installing/using this extension, have found abug or just want to make a feature suggestion, drop me an e-mail. Iappreciate your feedback. You can reach me also on Twitter(!/Jose_GD)
MCW Calendar Events 1.2.0
Manage your events right inside of Month Calendar Widget